Damn right.

by jomaco1

What I have seen would never happen in my kitchen. I go out of my way to make sure raw meats and fresh foods are isolated from each other. There are too many violations to list but one you left out of your summary was finger licking. The fingers go from the sauce to the mouth to the salt and back to your raw food again. Speaking of salt, I've seen Chef Anne Burrell and Paula Deen both go from raw meat to the salt dish repeatedly. I suppose the salt will kill pretty much anything but it's still gross.

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Aug 02, 2011
What about salmonella?
by: Anonymous

I agree with you. I do not keep any raw meats near my other foods. I do not want to contaminate my salad fixings with raw chicken. I had a bout with salmonella when I was a young child and I never want to go through that again.

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